The current challenges facing humanity are nothing short of a collective death / rebirth for the entire planet. To survive what lies ahead, we are being asked to rethink our concept of reality and our relationship to it.
Below are ideas that help expand our sense of
self, away from an individualistic, material worldview, towards an experiential understanding of the unitive nature of the universe.

Quantum Physics
Quantum physics explores the foundational dimension of our reality, in which there are no solid objects, only waveforms of possibility from which particles appear and disappear. In this microcosm, there is no objectivity, only the relationship between the observer and the observed. All is held in a participatory field of information.
To learn more:
The Self Aware Universe, by Amit Goswami
Blackfoot Physics, by F. David Peat
The Implicate Order, by David Bohm

Holographic Universe
There is growing consensus that the universe is a unitive field of possibility – a plenum from which all creation arrises. This plenum is the source for a 2D hologram that is pure information, and which projects a 3D hologram that we experience as reality.
David Bohm referred to this idea as Holomovement– the enfolded plenum of evolving possibility, and the unfolded particles that we can observe and interact with. Similar to a holographic film, any piece contains the totality of the image.
To learn more:
Infinite Potential, documentary about David Bohm
The Cosmic Hologram, by Jude Currivan
The Case Against Reality, by Donald Hoffman

Archetypal Astrology
In his ground breaking book Cosmos & Psyche,
Richard Tarnas reviews planetary transits of the past 3,000 years to demonstrate their influence on history. Our understanding of the variety of ways these archetypal forces can impact our lives might help us knowingly participate – riding the planetary waves instead of being crushed by them.
To learn more:
Cosmos and Psyche, by Richard Tarnas
Passion of the Western Mind, by Richard Tarnas

Morphic Resonance
Biologist Rupert Sheldrake's theory describes the nonlocal fields that hold evolutionary information for species of plants and animals. In other books and lectures, he challenges scientific assumptions that are proving impossible to recreate.
To learn more:
Morphic Resonance, by Rupert Sheldrake
Science Set Free, by Rupert Sheldrake

Earthship Biotecture
Michael Reynolds spent forty years developing his Six Principles of shelter:
use thermal mass for heating and cooling
use solar or wind to generate power
build with repurposed materials
provide your own water by collecting rain, and use each drop four times
grow your food in the indoor greenhouse
manage your own waste
Earthship Biotecture offers trainings, and through their non-profit, builds schools and housing for underserved communities around the world.
To learn more:

Psychedelic Exploration
Psychedelic exploration has been an integral part of human evolution for thousands of years. When approached with respect for the deep and often challenging experiences encountered, these inner journeys are life changing.
Research now reveals the expanded brain activity that these substances cause, and how those moments of total connectivity allow people to move beyond destructive patterns of behavior, such as depression, addictions, anorexia, and other compulsive behaviors. More importantly they remind us of the interconnectivity of all creation.
To learn more:

Regenerative Agriculture
Traditional environmental knowledge recognizes the need to work with the natural world, to respect its rhythms and all its inhabitants. Regenerative agricultural methods do this, helping to enrich the soil, retain moisture, capture rain, and hold CO2 in the ground.
To learn more:

Intentional Communities
Theories from modern physics and ancient religions shows us the interrelated nature of the universe. We are all connected, and learning to live together, through community, shared tasks, and rituals, we create a bond that helps us work through any conflicts that arise.
To learn more: